10 Easy Ways to Get Out of a Decorating Rut

home decor

It’s happening again: you wake up, reluctantly dragging yourself out of bed as the sunlight streams through your curtains. You casually look around your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room as you prepare yourself for the day ahead, and you just feel so uninspired. It’s like a scene out of Groundhog Day – you feel like you’re living the same day over and over and over again. You’re Bill Murray, but instead of repeating the same day constantly, you’re trapped inside a dull space that no longer brings you any joy. Will this cycle of misery ever end?

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10 Cozy Ways to Stay Warm All Winter Long

cozy winter indoors

Just when you think that winter has loosened its grip (remember that glorious January thaw we had last week?), it’s snatched us up once more in its clutches. With below-freezing temperatures and gloomy gray days, you may feel like you’ll never be warm again.

While spring is slowly but surely making its way back, we have some tips to help you stay warm and snug for the rest of the brutal winter season. Check them out below!

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10 Clever Ways to Incorporate Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2018 in Your Home

ultraviolet decorNew year, new you, new look for your home! Pantone has announced that their Color of the Year for 2018 is the regal, cosmic, and mysterious ultraviolet. A bold and beautiful hue, ultraviolet evokes fantasy, mindfulness, creativity, spirituality, and non-conformity, making it an irresistible addition to your home this year!

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8 Bright Ideas to Help You Bring More Sunshine Into a Dark Room

a bright room with white brick walls, shades of white, and pops of color

It’s that time of the year again when we turn back the clocks one extra hour and begin seeing less and less daylight in our days. If you’re dreading the lack of light and want to have more sunshine in your life (and home), don’t fret! We won’t leave you in the dark. Just follow these 8 tips to help you brighten up a dark space:

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8 Super Thrifty Ways to Decorate for Fall

Fall Decoration.Pumpkins,Orange Candles,Cinnamon,Chestnuts and

It’s officially fall! That means it’s time to fill your home with warm colors, pumpkins, and the scents of the season. Even if you’re on a tight budget, there are still plenty of ways that you can welcome fall into your home and still make everything look stylish and chic!

Here are 8 super thrifty and clever ways you can decorate for the season:

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Unfinished Basement? Transform It Into One of These 8 Fun Spaces!

pool table

If your house is like most in the Midwest, it probably has an unfinished basement. This underground space is great for storing seasonal decorations, tools, extra buckets of paint, and more, but it can often be used in more efficient and fun ways!

Got an unfinished basement but not sure what to do with it? Here are 8 ideas to help your imagination cook up something fun to do with your home’s blank canvas!

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7 Ways to Make a Cozy, Creative and Kid-Sized Hideaway Spot!

girl in a tepeeKids and hiding spots go together like nooks and crannies or peanut butter and jelly. They love exploring and finding tiny spaces to create little worlds of their own, read fun books in peace, or dabble with their artistic skills.

Give your kids their own little world with one of these 7 ideas for child-sized nooks, hideaways, and corners!

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10 Fun Indoor Activities to Do When It’s Too Hot Outside


If you’ve been paying even the slightest bit of attention to the weather lately, you’ll know that it’s really hot outside. In fact, it’s so hot that the National Weather Service has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for the rest of this week in the Greater St. Louis region and the Metro East. With heat indexes reaching between 105 and 113 each afternoon and early evening, it’s wise to stay indoors, but that doesn’t mean you have to be bored!

Here are 10 fun things you can do indoors when it’s too hot to be outside. Enjoy them by yourself or with your friends and family!

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5 Outdoor Fire Safety Tips to Keep Your Party Fun

marshmallows over a fire pit

As you probably know from reading our previous blog, outdoor parties and summertime go hand-in-hand. Whether you’re relaxing with friends in front of a fire pit, roasting marshmallows over an open fire, or partying by the light of tiki torches in the background, it’s always smart to be prepared in case a fire breaks out.

Here are 5 helpful safety tips to help keep your outdoor activities fun for everyone this summer:

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7 Essential Tips for the Best Outdoor Summer Parties Ever!

backyard grilling partyIt’s officially summer, which means it’s time to get outside, soak up the sun, and enjoy everything the season has to offer! What better way to do that than with a fun summer party with all of your friends and family?

Check out our 7 essential tips to help you host an amazing outdoor party this year!

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