6 Easy Ways You Can Give Your Home More Personality

ways to give your home more personalityThe homes in our neighborhood can say quite a bit about the people who inhabit them. The neat and tidy façade of the ranch next door may suggest that the owners are classy, detail-oriented, and take great care of their home. The bright blue door of the bungalow across the street may indicate a sense of playfulness and adventure. Oh, and that lake house tucked away from it all with the pool and beautiful gardens? We’re willing to bet that homeowner loves being outside (and maybe hosting some fun parties!).

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Get Out and Vote This Tuesday!

Get Out and Vote!

Election Day is almost here – have you registered to vote yet on (or before) November 6? There’s still time to get out there and be more involved in your local community this year!

Not sure where you can vote? You can find your nearest polling place on Madison County’s website. Here are all of the polling locations in Madison County at a quick glance:

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